Data protection declaration

1. Who we are



Leadership coaching


Leadership coaching for middle-management companies with >100 employees, with 3 targets: neo-managers, high-potential executives, C-levels.


Advice & Management SRL

Rue Saint-Jean 29, 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Brabant wallon, Belgium

+32 496 73 41 81

BE 0860.002.889

ADVICE & MANAGEMENT SRL is committed to complying with the legislation in force in Belgium and Europe, and does everything in its power to prevent any unauthorized or illicit use of your personal data. To this end, we use appropriate procedures and systems to ensure that only authorized persons have access to your information. In addition, we remind you that these persons are bound by a duty of confidentiality in the course of their duties.

2. Why do we process your personal data?

2.1. Dissemination and collection of information and processing of files

2.1.1 Answering questions via the contact form

We process personal data in order to guarantee the security (of information) and smooth running of our organization.


What personal data ? How did we obtain this data ? How long ? With whom is this data shared ?
Identification data, contact details and data relating to the question, information or order Directly from the person(s) concerned OR indirectly from one or more other person(s) 3 years after the last contact Subcontractors who look after our ICT infrastructure if their intervention requires it.


Indirectly from one or more other person(s): in some cases, we receive a request concerning someone else and this means that we may therefore have personal data from one or more other person(s).

2.1.2. Order processing

We process personal data in order to guarantee (information) security and the smooth running of our organization.

Quelles données à caractère personnel ? Comment avons-nous obtenu ces données ? Combien de temps ? Avec qui ces données sont-elles partagées ?
Données d’identification, coordonnées et données concernant la question, les informations ou la commande Directement de la (des) personne(s) concernée(s) OU indirectement d’une ou de plusieurs autre(s) personne(s) 3 ans après le dernier contact Des sous-traitants qui s’occupent de notre infrastructure ICT si leur intervention le nécessite


Indirectly from one or more other person(s): in some cases, we receive a request concerning someone else and this means that we may therefore have personal data from one or more other person(s).

2.1.3. Exercise of data subjects’ rights in relation to processing carried out by Advice & Management SRL

We process personal data because we need it to carry out our legally defined tasks

Quelles données à caractère personnel ? Comment avons-nous obtenu ces données ? Combien de temps ? Avec qui ces données sont-elles partagées ?
Données d’identification, coordonnées et données concernant la question, les informations ou la commande Directement de la personne concernée 1 an après la clôture du dossier Des sous-traitants qui s’occupent de notre infrastructure ICT si leur intervention le nécessite


2.2 Organization management

2.2.1. Website

When you visit our website, we process certain personal data such as IP addresses and cookies in order to ensure the proper functioning and security of our website.

The processing of personal data obtained in this way is based on our legitimate interest in the security and proper operation of our website and on your consent to the analysis of the use of our website. Except for necessary cookies, we always ask for your consent. Below is a list of the cookies used on our website.


A cookie is a small text file that may be stored on your computer when you visit a website. Information is stored in a text file, such as your choice of language for a website. When you visit the website again at a later date, this cookie is sent back to the website in question. In this way, the website recognizes your browser and can remember your choice of language, for example.

Cookies generally also have an expiry date. Some cookies, for example, are automatically deleted when you close your browser (so-called session cookies), while others remain on your computer for longer, sometimes even until you delete them manually (so-called permanent cookies).

Why do we use cookies?

Advice & Management SRL, the operator of this website, uses three types of cookies on

  • essential cookies ;
  • analytical cookies.

Advice & Management SRL uses essential and functional cookies to manage the content of its website. These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of this website. It is not possible to refuse these cookies if you wish to visit our website.

Advice & Management SRL also uses “Google Analytics” for analytical purposes. This analysis tool installs cookies that we use to quantify visits (traffic) to the website. In particular, this allows us to know how many times a given page has been read. We use this information solely to improve the content of our website, or as the basis for a new campaign on a certain topic of high interest. The use of these cookies for analysis purposes is subject to your prior consent. These cookies will therefore only be installed on your device with your consent.

List of essential and functional cookies

You can refuse the cookies below if you wish to browse our website.


Nom Echéance Objectif
axeptio_cookies 12 mois Axeptio. Contient toutes les informations sur le consentement du visiteur, comme la date, son identifiant anonyme unique, et s’il a déjà consenti ou non
axeptio_all_vendors 12 mois Axeptio. Contient la liste de tous les cookies déclarés dans le widget Axeptio
axeptio_authorized_vendors 12 mois Axeptio. Contient la liste des cookies acceptés par le visiteur.
Wp-wpml_current_language Session WPML. Mémorise la langue actuelle du site
wpml_browser_redirect_test 24 heures WPML. Test si les cookies sont actifs sur le site.
_icl_visitor_lang_js 24 heures WPML. Mémorise la langue qui a été redirigée.
_GRECAPTCHA 179 jours Google. Ce cookie est utilisé pour distinguer les humains des robots et limiter les formulaires de contacts frauduleux ou indésirables.


List of analytical cookies

You can refuse the cookies below if you wish to browse our website.


Nom Echéance Objectif
ga 13 mois Google Analytics. Distinguer les utilisateurs uniques en attribuant un numéro généré aléatoirement en tant qu’identifiant client
_gat 1 minute


Google Analytics. Réduire le nombre de demandes
_gid 24 heures Google Analytics. Stocker et mettre à jour une valeur unique pour chaque page visitée
tk_rl / tk_tc / tk_ro Session JetPack. Récolte des données à propos de l’utilisation que font les utilisateurs du site internet afin d’améliorer le service proposé par JetPack.
tk_ai Session JetPack. Récolte un ID anonyme généré automatiquement. Il est uniquement utilisé dans l’interface admin pour permettre des analyses générales.
tk_lr / tk_or 13 mois JetPack. Utilisé pour analyser le comportement de référence.
tk_r3d 72 heures JetPack. Utilisé pour des métriques internes concernant l’activité de l’utilisateur pour permettre d’améliorer l’expérience utilisateur.


How can I see which cookies are installed on my device and how can I delete them?

If you want to know which cookies are installed on your device, or if you want to delete them, you can use a setting in your browser. You can find more information on how to do this in the links below.

Firefox Chrome Safari Internet Explorer
Firefox Chrome Safari Internet Explorer
Firefox (mobile) Chrome (mobile) Safari (mobile) Microsoft Edge


Are you using another browser? Check that the procedure for your browser is included on the website. This site is only available in English.

2.2.2. External links

The Advice & Management SRL website contains external links to other websites. Activation of these links is the responsibility of the user. However, we advise you to consult the privacy statement and cookie policy of the site concerned.

2.2.3. Newsletter

We process personal data in order to guarantee the security (of information) and smooth running of our organization.

Quelles données à caractère personnel ? Comment avons-nous obtenu ces données ? Combien de temps ? Avec qui ces données sont-elles partagées ?
Données d’identification et coordonnées


Directement de la personne concernée Jusqu’au retrait du consentement


Des sous-traitants qui s’occupent de notre infrastructure ICT si leur intervention le nécessite


Insofar as you have given your express prior consent, we are entitled to send you newsletters by e-mail. However, if you no longer wish to receive our newsletters, you may unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe option provided.

3. Your rights and how to exercise them

If you have a complaint, question or problem about the way we use your personal data, please contact us.

Advice & Management SRL

Rue Saint-Jean 29

1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert

Walloon Brabant


If you contact us to exercise your rights, we will reply within 1 month. Exceptionally, this period may be extended (up to a maximum of 3 months), but we will give you the reason within 1 month. Whether or not you can exercise your rights depends on the processing and the legal basis.

Make sure you always state clearly which right you wish to exercise and how you wish to receive information (e.g. by e-mail, post, verbally, etc.). Please bear in mind that in some cases we may need additional information. We want to make sure we’re helping the right person.

3.1. Right of access

You have the right to ask us about the personal data we hold about you. We can provide you with a copy free of charge, but this is not possible for all documents. We respect the rights and freedoms of others.

3.2. Right of rectification

Do you think your data is inaccurate or out of date? You have the right to ask us to correct it.

3.3. Right to object

You have the right to ask us to stop processing your personal data.

3.4. Right to limit processing

You may ask us to limit the processing of your personal data, for example when we verify the accuracy of your personal data.

3.5. Right to be forgotten or deleted

You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data. If we are legally obliged to retain certain personal data, we cannot comply with this request.

3.6. Right to withdraw consent

Where the processing of personal data is based on your consent, such consent may be withdrawn.

3.7. Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

If you consider that the processing of your personal data constitutes a breach of the European Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Data Protection Authority

Rue de la Presse, 35

1000 Brussels

4. Scope of the Privacy Policy

Unless otherwise specified, this Privacy Policy is intended to apply to all Advice & Management SRL websites, applications, tools, etc., as well as to all the services we offer and for which explicit reference is made to it.

Please note that our privacy policy may change over time. Any changes are immediately applicable as soon as they are published. For this reason, we invite you to consult it regularly.

Except where required by law or in cases where communication of your data is necessary to process your request or to carry out our tasks as described in point 3 (communication to public authorities, communication to our subcontractors, etc.), we will not disclose any of your personal data to third parties without obtaining your prior consent. Furthermore, when we communicate your data to other entities, we always take care to disclose only the personal data that is strictly necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing that concerns you.